Friday, March 29, 2013

No matter how things seem in the natural, it truly is a Good Friday from "His Kindness Year Round"

He’s betrayed.  He’s denied.  He’s arrested.  He’s shackled and brought before religious and government leaders, passed from one to another and back to the prior again.  Over and over again He is ridiculed, beaten, spit upon, deemed guilty while a man blamed of murder is set free.

Pilate did not think our Lord was guilty.  He looked for ways out of the situation by sending Him to Herod, but when faced with the final decision, in order to maintain his job, he declared Him innocent, but handed Him over for crucifixion.

Matthew 27:22-26 “Pilate responded, “Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?”  They shouted back, “Crucify Him!”  “Why?” Pilate demanded.  “What crime has He committed?”  But the mob roared even louder, “Crucify Him!”  “Pilate saw that he wasn’t getting anywhere and that a riot was developing.  So he sent for a bowl of water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood.  The responsibility is yours!”  And all the people yelled back, “We will take the responsibility for His death – we and our children!”  So Pilate released Barabbas to them.  He ordered Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip, then turned Him over to the Roman soldiers to be crucified.”

Wearing His crown of thorns, He carried His cross to Golgotha and was crucified along with two criminals. He suffered for hours, darkness came upon the region.

Matthew 27:50-51 “Then Jesus shouted out again, and He released His spirit.  At that moment, the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.  The earth shook, rocks split apart, and tombs opened.”

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus requested His body from Pilate and placed His wrapped body in a tomb, which belonged to Joseph himself.  And sunset concluded the day.

As we proceed through our day, please take time to meditate in the Gospels as to what our Lord did for you and for me.  People ask me why I get so passionate about this season.  And I wonder how people cannot get passionate about it . . . . .

Prayerfully, your sister in Him,



  1. Jesus' crucifixion was the moment that He became our substitute. He took our place on that cross. Paul later had the revelation that he (Paul) was hanging on the cross since Jesus was actually just taking our place.

    I have just recently read something that has made this view of the cross even more profound and I am still digesting what this really means in terms of who I am IN HIM.

    I'm not sure I'm getting my thoughts put together in a meaningful way, but I wanted to share them anyway.

    Have a blessed Resurrection Day on Sunday!

  2. Hi dear Anne,

    Thank you greatly for sharing with us! I love the mental image of Paul, such a dedicated man of God. I'm delighted to hear of your new 'light bulb' momment with your study of Paul and the knowledge and relationship with the Holy Spirit!

    Praise God for all His goodness!

