Monday, October 28, 2013

You are blessed! from "His Kindness Year Round"

Our nation and world is in a condition I have not seen in my lifetime.  And that’s not said in a positive manner.

I hear of so many who take what they have for granted.  Many feel they are entitled to more.  It's not enough.  Deserve.  More.  I am not saying don't expect or believe in God's best for us.  But counting your current blessings, as you receive more.

We are far more blessed than we realize, even in a time of trial. 

If you receive a hug a day, you are blessed.

If someone you don’t know gives a smile or kind word your way, you are blessed.

If you know in your heart that beyond a shadow of any doubt someone loves you unconditionally, you are very blessed.

If you can visually see a sunrise or sunset each day, you are blessed.

If you are able to hear the crickets chirp or birds sing, you are blessed. 

I know many are thinking these blessings are so cliche.  They’re not enough.  We need food and shelter and all the other necessities of life -- God's absolute best for us.  And you’re right; we do. 

But please, please don’t take the “little things” of a hug or smile or sunrise or another person for granted.  You've missed out on a great deal if you do.

Psalm 121 “I lift my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot slip – He Who watches over you will not slumber; indeed He Who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.  The Lord watches over you – The Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life; and the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” 

Your sister in Him,


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