Saturday, April 20, 2013

God's got it covered! . . . . . from "His Kindness Year Round"

Last month, I had the remarkable privilege to hear a presentation from the co-producer/assistant director of Facing the Giants and Fireproof. What a wonderful testimony he had of the greatness of our God!

He told instance after instance of God's evidence clearly and completely orchestrating these movies, especially with the first, Facing the Giants. It was an amazing event, hearing more of the wondrous victories of our Lord!

I received three distinct messages from the speaker.  The presence of the Holy Spirit in the meeting room was very moving.

The faith of the Kendrick brothers (from Sherwood Pictures) is beyond extraordinary.  Their relationship with and constant prayer to our Father for provision in all circumstances of the movies reminded me to pray without ceasing.   Without ceasing – not ending, not stopping.  Consistently praying and praising. Prayer will build a hedge around us against satan. 

I was reminded of three words I wholeheartedly accept as truth:  Expect.  Believe.  Receive.  Those involved in creating these movies enthusiastically expected the Lord to deliver.  They never questioned His abilities or His faithfulness.  It was expected.  They also believed He would come through with His promises.  They didn’t doubt.  They were confident in Him.  And they received!  They richly received the blessings He provided from beginning to end.  Expect; believe; receive.  It works for you and me also.  I know this firsthand.  God’s provision and miracles aren’t ‘just for everyone else’.  They are for His faithful followers.  Nothing is too small or impossible for God!

I welcomed the reminder that our timing is not necessarily God’s timing, yet His timing is always right.  The movie was not released on the timetable of Sherwood Pictures, but many, many months later.  If Facing the Giants had started showing at the Kendrick Brothers’ timing, it would not have been on the heels of the highly successful The Passion of the Christ, at a time in which Hollywood wanted another “God” movie.  (Before it was released, it was rated “PG” because of “extreme religious content”.  This helped the marketing of the movie, as the media jumped at this information!  Another provision from the Lord – free advertising!)  God is SO good!

1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18 “Always be joyful.  Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

Romans 8:31 – 32 “What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?  If God is for us, who can ever be against us?  Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?”
As always, prayerfully in Him,



  1. I needed this message today. Thank you, Sister.

  2. Hi Anne,

    I needed to hear his message -- it truly was a great testimony to the wonderful works of the Lord -- that He is and will do in us also.

    Blessings to you!

