Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How does your level of kindness rate? from "His Kindness Year Round"

Referring back to the post on January 3, I'm devoting Sunday, January 12th as "Be Extra Kind to Someone Day" in memory of Lee's birthday and his great depths of kindness to others.  It's a reminder that kindness matters.

We know we should be kind to people every day.  We are to be extra kind, above and beyond, every day.  Often with the busyness life entails and the inconveniences we experience, I wonder if we display acts of thoughtfulness to others as we should?  How we would rate if the Lord had a "kindness scale"?

This week, I am going to re-evaluate how I can increase my kindness to others.  And this entire year, I will strive to enhance my deeds of kindness every day!

"His Kindness Year Round" blog was started and is based upon God's great kindness to us daily.  Re-posting from the first blog post on January 25, 2012:

“Kindness Year Round . . . . Think about it for a second: Isn't God’s love bountiful to us year round? Aren’t His blessings available to us year round? He doesn't only show up at Easter or Christmas. He doesn't show up only in the good times or only in the difficult times. He is present all the time. We should show our love, care, kindness and thankfulness to others not only at Thanksgiving or Christmas or Valentine’s Day or birthdays -- but year round. Just as God does.”

Anyone want to join me in stepping up our deeds of kindness this year?

Jesus is our example, as He did give us the ultimate display of love and kindness when He sacrificed Himself for us.

Romans 5:8 "God demonstrates His own love for us in this:  While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  

Thankful for a year of peace through Him,


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