Friday, March 1, 2013

Laughter . . . . from "His Kindness Year Round"

Laughter.  It’s a happy word.  And even happier when you’ve experienced it.

I had the opportunity to view the website of a female comedian.  I’ll rephrase that and elaborate; a charming, southern, North Carolina native (former Miss North Carolina) comedian who presents good, clean humor.  Wahoo – how often can you use those three words – good – clean – humor – in the same sentence! 

I sat back, listened and laughed!  I yearn for more laughter! 

On occasion, (at least weekly) I’ll ask someone or a group of people to say something or to do something to make me laugh.  It’s always a successful request.  Thank you for the laughs!

Sometimes the seriousness of day to day life in our world can be daunting.  As we accomplish other priorities in our busy schedules, take time to laugh.

Genesis 21:6 “Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.”

Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”

Luke 6:21 “Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.  Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.”

Check out comedian Jeanne Robertson at and laugh!

(GOTTA listen to the one about bungee jumping!!! And sleeping in tubes!!!  And, etc.!!!)

Prayerfully, your sister in Him,



  1. There has been too little laughter in my life lately. Thanks for the reminder to laugh more!

  2. Most of us could admit we are deficient in our 'laughter quota'. Let's work on that this year!
