Sunday, February 10, 2013

We have authority . . . from "His Kindness Year Round"

This writing was completed a couple of weeks ago, and it's been sitting as a draft.  Today is the time to share these thoughts, in memory of a sister in Christ who has helped me realize we, as followers of Jesus, do have authority over the enemy.  I'm very thankful to another sister for first introducing me to my authority over satan.  I know today, the 10th, is the day to express these words to my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Many ions ago, Adam and Eve were in the Garden and committed a tremendous sin.  It may seem innocent, but eating of the forbidden fruit changed the lives of humanity forever. 

Because of their sin at the time, we lost our authority and power over satan, the enemy. 

Until . . . . Jesus, the sacrificial lamb without sin, died on the cross for us and was resurrected from the dead.  His blood redeemed us and once again, we have power and authority over the enemy.  Praise You, Jesus, for that!

With this current Resurrection season, always remember:  Through Jesus’ death on the cross, and through His blood shed for us AND His resurrection, Jesus has defeated satan.  He’s already defeated, as in past tense, already happened.  Not “He will defeat”, but, through His death and resurrection, He has already defeated him.  The war has been won, even though all the battles have not been fought.  Followers of Christ are always the winners because of Jesus’ victory over the devil.

I’ve mentioned many times how powerful our thoughts and spoken words are.  They can either slam the door in satan's face, or open the door and invite him in for tea and cookies.  We don't have to listen to him.  (Yes, perhaps easier said than done.)  But we have and we are what we say! 

Recently I heard a minister suggest taking negative statements we make and end each statement with “and that’s the way I want it”.  Such as “I don’t have any money and that’s the way I want it.” “I’m so sick and that’s the way I want it.”

Try saying “I feel sick”.  You’re not claiming or owning the sickness or announcing to the enemy that you have sickness, but expressing how you feel.  Slam the door in the enemy’s face!  It may be a new mindset, process, adjustment.  And I’m a WIP (Work in Progress), too.  As satan strikes with his lying, deceiving, malicious attacks, remember and use your authority over him!

James 4:7 “So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

Ephesians 6:11 “Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”

Luke 10:19 “Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.” 

Prayerfully, your sister in Him,



  1. Thank you, my dear sister, for those words. Thank you for posting them on the tenth as a special message to me. We move on to keep pressing in to the Lord and to learn how to take authority over the attacks of the enemy. Jesus has won the victory for us. I don't know why we make it so hard for ourselves and struggle simply to take what He has given. I love you, sister, and I am grateful for you. Anne

  2. Anne,

    We press forward with our authority over satan and rejoice in the victory. (We are prevailing, even on days we don't feel like it . . . .) We have been given many gifts through Jesus' death and we as believers, followers of Jesus, do need to accept all of them and not pick and choose which gifts to receive. He didn't suffer for us not to accept His precious gifts.

    Prayers and love to you,

