Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Christmas reflection from "His Kindness Year Round"

Christmas is past and 2013 is rapidly approaching . . .

A couple of weeks ago at my parent's house, I unintentionally found a Bible from my pre and early teen years (The Children's Living Bible).  It was in God's pure divine timing I found this Bible.  The scripture is reader friendly for a teen to comprehend, yet also extremely accurate (not in story form, but actual scripture).  Just a couple of days before I found this Bible, the Lord led me to read the book of Luke.  It has been a treat to read it in my newly found Bible!

On Christmas Eve, as I began to read Luke, chapter 2, I reached for the Children's Bible.  My thoughts went back to earlier years.  In the Christmas story, it seems most kids wanted to be a majestic wise man or beaming angel or the key roles of Mary or Joseph. 

I always wanted to be a shepherd, keeper of the sheep.  I wanted to be the first to whom the angels announced the birth of our Savior. 

Luke 2:14 "'Glory to God in the highest heaven,' they sang, 'and peace on earth for all those pleasing Him.'"

The shepherds, messengers to the others of the birth of Jesus.

Luke 2:17 "The shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child."

The shepherds, praising God for seeing the baby in a manger and for their visit by angels. 

Luke 2:20 "Then the shepherds went back to their fields and flocks, praising God for the visit of the angels, and because they had seen the child, just as the angel had told them."

I trust your Christmas was bright, as you celebrated the birth of our Savior; as you told others about Him; and as you praised God, the Most High, just as the shepherds years ago!

Prayerfully, your sister in Him,


(Scripture from The Children's Living Bible)

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