Friday, June 8, 2012

God's perfect timing in sharing a picture entitled (you'll have to read to find out) from His Kindness Year Round . . .

I wrote this almost two weeks ago and placed it aside.  I picked it up again last night, realizing this is God’s perfect timing in posting this message.

Over 15 years ago, a local artist gave me an intricate pencil drawing of a four legged stool, loaded with boxes of varying sizes, one on top of another.  There are other stacked boxes surrounding the stool.  I imagine the drawing in my mind as I write.  Although the stool has four legs, it is leaning, with only three legs touching the floor. As you can visualize, the boxes are not secure on the stool, because the stool is not sitting level on the floor. 

You can’t identify from the drawing if the stool or boxes ever topple over, or if they stand strong on the stool. 

The drawing is entitled “Fragile”.

The dictionary defines fragile as easily broken; weak; delicate; frail.

We, as Christians, don’t want to accept it; we don’t want to claim it on our lives, but probably everyone has experienced a time in which their flesh – the human nature in us – has ‘felt’ fragile.

Sometimes a situation or a combination of circumstances in life may cause our soul – the human thoughts, emotions and feelings – to feel fragile.  Naturally, the enemy, satan, gets excited as we feel fragile.  We make him happy because he knows he’s succeeding in trying to kill, steal and destroy us.

Many strong Christian followers in God’s Word and during our lifetime have at some point experienced this.  You are not alone if you’ve ever had the perception of being fragile. 

If you go through the human emotion of being fragile, if you ever think you are a stool on three legs, loaded with boxes, please don’t spiral downward.  The wicked enemy will use all of his deceitfulness and lies to pull you down; to knock you over; to swash you flat.  As a special sister mentioned to me this week, cast your cares upon the Lord.  He wants them.  He asks for them.  He died for them.  Why would we want to carry something HE DIED FOR?

John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Instead of holding on to every trial from the world, hold onto the Hand of THE ONE who is the Rescuer; the Healer; the Savior; the strong to the fragile. 

Have too many “boxes” on your stool?  Chances are we either placed them there, or allowed someone else to place them there.  Do you ever sense that you give the word “multi-tasking” an elevated meaning?  Choose whether you want to juggle the boxes, or put some away.  Choose if you want to do what God wants you to do in your life, or what everyone else wants you to do.  The Father reminds me from time to time that I am on this earth to please HIM, and no one else. 

Several weeks ago God put the words, “healthy assertiveness” in my heart.  Love and value yourself enough to learn the very simple word, “No”.  Life really is a marathon and not a sprint.

Rid your life of unneeded boxes!  Put your stool on all four legs!  Live the life God intends for you to live!  Do what you need to please our Creator and Father Who has a home prepared for you in Heaven! 

Take the time to read John 14.  It begins with these words from Jesus, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”  (He has a HOME for me!)

Accept and expect the Holy Spirit, the great Comforter and Counselor that Jesus provided us with, to give you peace.   

Jesus is there to take those boxes; let Him do what He died to do!

Prayerfully, your sister in HIM,



  1. Hi, Robin,
    Today was one of those days that I had too many boxes on my stool! Thanks for reminding me to give those boxes to the Lord! Your messages are so encouraging to me. Praise the Lord, tomorrow is a new day and I can start fresh!


  2. Anne,

    I can't tell you how many times the past few weeks I've pictured that stool loaded with the boxes. We will encourage each other to remove those boxes -- and don't replace them with new ones!

    Thanks for your comments. Each day is a new day!

