Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yoohoo . . . . . can ya hear me now? from “His Kindness Year Round”!

The Lord is always working.  (Reminder:  Today is the National Day of Prayer.)

I have been dealing with juggling the things life brings, professionally and personally while learning to REST in HIM.

Psalm 5:3 “Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.  Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.”

As a dear friend reminds me, the key to keeping sanity in this insane world is to do our jobs -- whatever they be -- to the best of our ability -- while resting in Him.  Yeah, we can do that. 

Sometimes resting in our Father’s arms means physical and mental rest.  Taking the time to stop and be still in His lap.  We can’t abuse or neglect God’s temple (our bodies). 

Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God!”

Sometimes resting in our Father’s arms is completing the day to day activities, while allowing Him to work through us, as we rest in His care.  He wants to work through us for His glory. 

Psalm 23:3 “He renews my strength.  He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name.”

Psalm 119:25 “I lie in the dust, completely discouraged; revive me by your word.”

Stay focused on Him. As this dear friend reminds me, ask the Lord what HE wants us to do today.   When we allow Him to direct our days, rather than when we dictate to ourselves and others what we plan for the day, we find rest in Him.  We are following His direction and will.  And what a significant difference that will make in our daily lives! 

Hebrews 2:1 “We must listen very carefully to the trust we have heard, or we may drift away from it.”

Define your schedule around Him.  Seek Him always.  God wants us to enjoy life.  He wants us to laugh.  He doesn’t want our lives to be complicated and hectic.  He wants us to accept the peace and joy He has already given us.

Psalm 146:5 “Happy are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God.”

I completed a Christian fiction novel this week.  I enjoy a writing by a truly spirit filled believer, and often take away a few thoughts.  We generally enjoy hearing from the Lord, especially when in decision regarding a matter.  The author writes, “When you think there’s nothing from heaven except silence, get out of the noise.”  Sometimes society does seem include so much noise that even if I’m still, would I hear Him?  Folks, if you don’t stop whatever is going on in life to talk and listen to God, you won’t have the opportunity to receive the wonderful blessings and unlimited life He has for us!  As stated in the post on the Prodigal Son -- how many celebrations are you missing?

John 10:27 “My sheep recognize my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

Very important:  Don’t forget the power of our thoughts and spoken word.  Heavenly Father reminded me this morning that He is there, always, ready, willing and most definitely able to provide.  Don’t let the enemy know you’re tired or frustrated.  If you tell him so, you’re providing him allowance for attack.  If in a war zone or a period of any danger, would you announce to the enemy that you are unarmed and tired . . . . . .?  I can’t answer for you, but I know I would not.  What he doesn’t know, he can’t use against me for harm.  I would declare the shield of my allies and the constant surrounding of my Protector.  Please don’t open doors for the enemy or tell him how to attack you.

2 Corinthians 4:16 “That is why we never give up.  Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewal every day.”

Listen to THE ONE.  And REST IN Him.  Ever feel as if you hear the Lord saying, “Yoo hoo . . . . . . can you hear me now?”

Ephesians 4:24 “Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes.  You must display a new nature because you are new person, created in God’s likeness -- righteous, holy and true.”

Prayerfully, your sister in Him.



  1. Hi, Robin, I got a chuckle from the image you gave of God saying, "Yoo hoo..... can you hear me now?" I'm on the road to restoring some order in my life and stepping out the hectic-ness I've been in. Loved all your comments. Now ... for me to be a doer of the Word (interesting that we "do" by resting in Him, isn't it?) and not a hearer only.
    Love you,

  2. Hello dear Anne!

    So wonderful to hear you're on the restoration road also (as in, so am I!) In fact, I was going to send you a face book message today letting you know I'm alive and kickin' -- but just have not been on the email/message track much the past couple of weeks to anyone. Anne, I love God's awareness -- when the "light bulb" comes on for me -- when I can say, "Yes, Lord, I hear your "yoohoo"! There are days I am a "doer" and still rest lavishly in Him. I know I'm doing as He desires, His ways. And there are days I'm doing . . . . and doing . . . . . and although through our Father I am energetic and full of vibrant life -- my body feels fatigue. I question if on those days that I "feel" at the end of my rope, is it because God isn't ordering my day . . . but Robin is trying to . . . . .

    I know you continue to work diligently for the Lord! He is blessing you with His assignments for you, and you are following His direction. Praise God for your obedience!

    Much love to you,

