Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Achieving for the Lord at "His Kindness Year Round"!

I have been writing the past week on a post about something that has been repeatedly brought to my attention for over a year. However, that post is on hold because the Lord is truly educating me on an entirely different subject.

My goal in life -- my purpose in life -- my true desire in life is to serve my Heavenly Father with an open and willing heart to my absolute best. And boy, does He know my heart’s desire!

I have always thought of serving God as achieving for Him in an “organized ministry”. Thankfully, through dear friends in Christ and through reading in His Word the past week, I have fully come to grasp that my Monday through Friday employment outside the home is part of His ministry through me also.

Yep, it sure is. Everywhere we go, we are ministering for Him. No, we may not be handing out pamphlets or quoting scripture or carrying our Bibles close to our chests or singing aloud His praises, but the manner we present ourselves for others to view -- we are witnessing and ministering for Him.

Whether you have employment outside the home or work inside the home or are a student or in “full time” ministry -- as long as we are following God’s will, we are ministering for Him. And in doing such, He expects us to perform the best we can through Him. It is part of His plan for us. Unless He tells us to move on, we are to consider our daily job as His ministry and do it as we would do any other part of ministry for Him. I should not complain or whine or be apathetic about what I’m doing or not doing. Instead, I should delight in serving Him! I should rejoice each day that He is blessing me with that opportunity to serve Him!

Colossians 3:23 “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

Ephesians 6:7 “Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

Enjoy the opportunities we have been given to serve Him!

Prayerfully, your sister in Him,



  1. This entry made me smile from ear to ear, Robin! I am so very proud of you.

    Every day we live submitted to His will is a day we construct or build a "brick." We all can imagine how mundane real brick-building could be day after day after day. Spiritual "brick-building" can be from time to time just as mundane, too, depending on the season in our life. But mundane or not, WISE is the one who does not neglect daily spiritual brick-building!

    When we take our daily "bricks" that we construct out of our obedience, love, and service to and for Him -- no matter how mundane our day appears or feels to us -- and hand them to God at the end of our day --- He then takes those bricks and builds a thing that testifies to others we belong to Him -- and He belongs to us! The more bricks we are diligent to make and hand to Him, the greater the resources He has to leave a bigger print upon this world through our lives that He is indeed real and deeply desires to be lovingly and intimately connected with His creation.

    The importance of the "what" we do on a daily basis is not as important as the diligence to DO "it" in the first place. Be it changing a dirty diaper or traveling to "kingdom come" to share Him with others--- IF He has asked us to do "it" -- and we do "it" -- we are successfully constructing our brick for the day. He wastes not a single brick... not a single one. It is the obedience that is precious in His sight. HE is the one who determines the "what" that we are to obey.

    We are a funny a people in how we measure importance... how we "grade" or esteem value to something or someone, but when we train our eyes to follow the Master -- even toilet scrubbing becomes a part of the brick's construction!

    Obedience is what I focus on.... leaving the "master blueprint" to Him!

    Happy brick building today!
    I love you to pieces!

  2. Deborah,

    I greatly appreciate you sharing your comments of encouragement and further awareness. I am thrilled when our Heavenly Father turns on the 'light bulb' for me through fellow believers and His Word. I am always learning and will be a work in progress -- and loving it!

    As you know, I relate with 'visuals' and the analogy of the brick building is profound! There is much power in each individual 'brick'. We are all serving Him daily, no matter what the task. He takes every task and adds it to the glory of His Kingdom. And He does a remarkable job!

    We should serve Him with diligence in ALL our responsibilities and remove the limits that we in the natural place on ministries. This is a 'box' I am removing myself from! I desire the role of the obedient daughter in His resting arms. Yep, we can serve Him and rest in Him simultaneously!

    Thanks again for your comments; they are a delight to read!

    Love you,

